Making the Switch

Working late into the early morning, I decided to go ahead and archive the old Symphony site as and copy to so I could use the Ghost site as my online CV and blog.

It seems I ran into a caching issue with Chrome. I viewed the archived site in Safari and then in Chrome’s Incognito mode, and I was able to get to the old site just fine. So, feel free to ignore this bit:

The archived version was working just fine last night. For whatever reason, it is inaccessible today. The DigitalOcean droplet seems to be telling me that when I restart the Apache server, it is unable to resolve host. Strange.

So far, I am pretty happy with the way the new site is working. Now, I get to populate it with content. This post will be using an image from Unsplash.

One of the things that I have noticed about Ghost that I find pretty annoying is the inability to type in a date. The interface forces you to interact with the dropdown calendar, which is fine for recent dates. But for this weblog, I am going way back into the distant past to properly order my posts in reverse chronological order. As a workaround, I am opening up Sequel Pro and directly accessing the MySQL database to manually update the published_at column of the posts table.

The next step may be to add a contact form.