Publishing with Ghost
Several years ago, out of necessity, I built my own static site generator with XSLT. Ever since, I have been exploring static site generators and building sites on the JAMstack (JavaScript, APIs, and Markup).

Several years ago, out of necessity, I built my own static site generator with XSLT. Ever since, I have been exploring static site generators and building sites on the JAMstack (JavaScript, APIs, and Markup).
At the beginning of this year, I discovered that Ghost 2.0 is now capable of working as a headless CMS, generating a JSON API that can be consumed by static site generators. When I also discovered that it could be installed on Glitch in seconds, I was sold on the idea of using Ghost as a development platform for publishing.
I have settled on Ghost as a development platform for a host of reasons.
- Open source
- Ease of use
- Quick install on Glitch
- Strong community
- Modern development tools
- Content API
- Flexible routing
- Static site generator
- Beautifully designed editor
- Minimalistic data structure
- DigitalOcean Ghost Droplet
- Themes
- Tutorials